Ross Eccles
artist - architect - concepts designer
creative thinker since 1937
Clyde Tidal Flood Barrier
Concept Proposals
It is somewhat ironic that the delayed United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26 is being held in Glasgow.
Ironic, because the Glasgow Region itself is at severe risk of flooding due to Climate Change.
As the young Swedish Activist, Greta Thunberg eloquently states, there is plenty of "Blah, blah, blah",
Yet no practical solutions to solve this looming problem, are forthcoming or in sight.

Wouldn't it be ironic if COP26
had to be cancelled due to
Climate Change flooding of the Clydeside Venue?

COP26 - Glasgow 2021
Graphic showing a flooded venue caused by Climate Change
The Clyde Region, with a population of around 2 million, is already one of the wettest areas of Great Britain. Sea levels are already rising and storms leading to surge tides, are forecast to increase in severity.
Plenty of talk has taken place regarding the extent of the existing and predicted flooding problem and Reports and Maps have been prepared.
But Fully-funded Action, not endless Reports and political promises, is now desperately needed to prevent a potential disaster to the Region and the people of the Region!
With the above in mind the following Concepts illustrate two possible locations for a Flood Barrier.
Location 1 - Protects the Clyde and Leven Catchments
Location 2 - Protects the Clyde Catchment only, but is the less-costly option.

Clyde Flood Barrier
Concept Locations Map

Clyde Tidal Weir, Glasgow Green
Drone View
Concept Location 1

Clyde Flood Barrier
Concept Location 1
CLYDE FLOOD BARRIER Concept Location 2