Ross Eccles
artist - architect - concepts designer
creative thinker since 1937
GB.6. - England's Precious Water
We live in an environment where water supplies are coming under critical pressure due to Climate Change!
England faces a specific problem, due to projected population growth and consumption expectations.
Water supplies already face ongoing restrictions during periods of increasing dry weather spells.
In the next 25 years water shortages, will become much more important to the population than energy shortages, Many new renewable energy sources are either planned or are coming on stream, whereas no new major reservoirs have been built in decades.
Due to Political Neglect by successive UK Governments, very few new reservoirs have been built since the 1960's. Yet, there has been a dramatic increase in demand for water since that time. The last major reservoir to be built was Carsington in 1991. The problem has just been palmed off to the Water Utilities, whose major shareholder wish is to cream off profits. Water Utilities cannot be expected to plan a national water infrastructure. It is not within their remit!
The following Concept Barrage could have been designed for energy production rather than as a Reservoir, but research quickly reveals that construction of a Reservoir is the most beneficial use! Otherwise England's major source of precious fresh water, flows to waste in the sea!
The Reservoir Barrage also acts as a surge tide barrier. An essential requirement if Severn River Flooding is to be mitigated. The Water Pumping Station is specifically designed to allow Reservoir floodwater, to be discharged into the Tidal Estuary during surge tide conditions.
A Fish Pass is an essential part of an estuary barrage and this is illustrated in outline form.
The Barrage could also incorporate a Causeway, with pathways, a cycleway and a road linking the A38 Grossington with the A48 Blakeney. This Causeway will reduce by circa 30 miles, the current distance between these two Gloucestershire locations. It will also offer an emergency alternative to the existing crossings at Severn Bridge & Gloucester.
The River Severn is approximately 220 miles (354 kilometres) long and, is the greatest River in terms of water
flow volume in the entire UK. Average Volume at Apperley in Gloucestershire is 107m3/sec.
The Severn Estuary is subject to some of the highest tidal differences in the World at about 50 feet (15 metres).
A Tidal Bore of up to 2.8m affects the River. Tides can reach a height of 8,8m at Sharpness Dock close to the site of this Concept Barrage.

Severn Reservoir Concept
Title Page

Severn Reservoir Water Supply
Concept Aqueduct Route

Severn Reservoir
Location Contours Plan

Severn Reservoir
Barrage and Sluice Dam Plan

Severn Reservoir
Sluice Dam, Causeway & Fish Pass