Ross Eccles
artist - architect - concepts designer
creative thinker since 1937
Ireland's EuroCity

Note edited 9.7.20 - In our world of marketing and hype, Branding and International Image are fundamental to Projects of this scale if this Concept Idea is to gain any traction & momentum.
International power politics are in global transition due to climate change and pandemic.
A dangerous trend towards Nationalism and self-interest, seems to be leading the world towards another cycle of unnecessary confrontation.
Ireland, which has recently secured a seat on the UN Security Council, has long been a flagship for peaceful small Nations. It is still internationally viewed as a secure haven, for those fleeing persecution from political and religious intolerance.
Ireland's Shannon Free Zone established in 1959, is an International Business Park and the World's First Free Trade Zone. This idea could be extended to Cork Torc and form a basis for substantial foreign investment.
Cork Torc is a Concept Branding symbol for the International City which sits in the shape of a torc around Cork Harbour.
Ideally situated on international sea-trading routes, the Atlantic Ocean is also an endless green energy and bio foods production source.
We already have New York and Hong Kong, so why not Cork Torc, which could become a major city?

Ireland's EuroCity
Strategic Location

Cork Harbour City
Future City Design Concept
Cork Harbour is a magnificent natural resource, located on a major international maritime trading route. As such it has the potential to be the site of a City of International Significance, housing millions of people.
Ireland's population, as determined by history, is no more than 200 years ago. This compares dramatically with a world population, which has expanded from 1 to 7.7 billion during the same period.
Due to climate change and the looming crisis of diminishing resources, international pressures are becoming unstoppable. These pressures will determine the direction of local politics in the forseeable future and quickly overcome the natural reluctance of small-time politics for any change.
A well-integrated infrastructure, forms the basis of successful City Development and is fundamental to any Concept Plan.

Cork Harbour City
Hydrogen City Concept Layout

Ireland's EuroCity
Docks and Locks - Concept 2

Ireland's EuroCity
Docks & Locks - Concept 2 - Marine Contours


Cork Harbour City
Protective Sea Locks - Concept 1

Cork Harbour City
Sluice Dam - Concept 1a

Cork Harbour City
Harbour Bridge

Cork Harbour City
Harbour Bridge - Plan

Cork Harbour City
Harbour Sea Locks - 1st Plan

Cork Harbour City
Harbour Sea Locks - Marine Contours
Importance of Locks
Although Locks require ongoing maintenance, they can be designed to protect the entire Cork Harbour Region for 100 years or more from Climate Change effects. Extensive land reclamation and development can begin, once the Harbour becomes non-tidal. Charges can be levied for Harbour use and adjoining development land use long term.
Locks are expensive and time-consuming to construct and cannot be considered as a short-term solution, but they do open up the entire area to "world city" type developments and should be considered as an essential part of future development infrastructure.
Cork Harbour is located on an International Sea Trading Route and could accommodate ships up to 500 metres long and 18 metres draft, subject to the Port being non-tidal and suitable berths were made available.
A new lock 500 x 70 x 18 metres deep lock is currently under construction at Ijmuiden in the Netherlands. It suffers from the disadvantage of shallow water approach channels. Cost is currently estimated at €600 million. If similar sized locks were constructed at Cork Harbour, the benefits of duplicating construction techniques could reduce the costs of construction.
Venice is a prime example of a City which has long tried to defend itself from flooding but has been plagued by inadequate standards, political negligence and corruption. Trying to protect Cork City from flooding on the basis of a 1:200 year event formula, may be politically expedient, but cannot be scientifically justified on the basis of the climate evidence available.
The estimated €140 million cost of Works currently proposed for Cork, is at best, money wasted on a short-term fix! These Works are likely to prove as costly to the taxpayer as the €450 million political decision to build power stations at West Offaly and Lanesborough. These are now scheduled for closure after a mere 15 year life!

Cork Harbour City
Highlighting Inadequate Standards

Cork Harbour City
Offshore Energy Service Base